Galactic Light Protection and Help Protocols
After many trials and tribulations in my life, I have found many esoteric protection protocols and I will present them below. Please use your own inner guidance to choose which ones are best for you. Much love and VOTL!
Galactic Confederation Protection Protocols:
Must be said 3x times ; either in your mind or out loud.
“Command PB Stardust” - Pain Assistance. This will help reduce physical pain in your body.
“Command 1221” (pronounced Twelve Twenty-One) - Galactic Light Crew Assistance. If you are ever in danger or trouble or just want to give your thanks. They will help to balance your energy field. *This has saved me energetically many times in my life.
“Command 771” (pronounced Seven Seventy-One) - Emotional Assistance. This can be challenging at times, since we carry and have suppressed so much emotions in our lives since childhood.
Blue Bubble Protection Protocol:
This simple Mediation can protect us from negative interference. Whenever you need protection, you visualize a pillar of Light surrounding and merging with you. Visualize the light expand and form a protective barrier. Then visualize a blue bubble surrounding your energy field and say its invoation 3x times:
“May a bubble of blue light surround me. May the blue light bless and protect me from all negative energies. So be it, and so it is”
“May a bubble of blue light surround me. May the blue light bless and protect me from all negative energies. So be it, and so it is”
“May a bubble of blue light surround me. May the blue light bless and protect me from all negative energies. So be it, and so it is”
You can also follow a guided video about a similar protection here:
Violet Flame Protection Protocol Direct from Source (GOD):
Say and visualize this mantra at anytime you feel in danger, distressed, feeling attacked, down, sad, depressed, etc, etc. This will help transmute any anomaly inside, around, attached or attacking you.
“I call upon the violet flame from primary source to place a circle of protection around me NOW, DURING and AFTER. Transmute that which does not serve the light”.
As you’re saying this mantra, visualize a brilliant violet light or flame circling around you in counter-clockwise fashion (look at your feet, it moves towards the left). Feel source’s presence and protection and transmutation.
*I personally use this one alot.
You can also visit to follow a guided meditation based on this protocol.
ATVOR Protection Protocol:
Visualize a huge pillar of brilliant white light coming down from the sky, going through your body, into the center of the earth. Visualize this pillar of light recharging your body.
Say this mantra in your mind or out loud:
“I call upon the pillar of brilliant white light to descend upon me and form around me”.
“I call upon the presence of I AM that I AM”.
“I ask the presence of I AM THAT I AM to join and merge with me”.
--------------- Alternative Version w/ Ashtar Command ----------------
Repeat mantra 3x times:
“I call upon the pillar of pure white light to descend upon me and to form around me. I call upon the presence of the I am that I am”.
“I ask the presence of I am that I am to join and merge with me.”
(repeated 3x times)
Now, close your eyes.
Visualize a pillar of pure white light descending from the sky, going through you, to the center of the Earth. You are sitting in the pillar of light.
As you breath in, you breath in the brilliant white light into your heart.
As you breath out, you breath out the brilliant white light out from your heart. Keep breathing that brilliant white light into your heart and out of your heart.
Each time you breath in that light into your heart, you say “Ashtar Command” silently in your heart. With this breath technique, we are calling upon the presence of Ashtar command into your energy field. Each time you breath into your heart, be with Ashtar command.
Each time you breath out, radiate the light.
Please keep breathing like this for few moment.
You can visit for a guided mediation for this protocol.