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My Journey to Happiness

A Dance with Michael Jackson

It was a smooth spring day and i was walking down the street in a middle class type of neighborhood when i arrived at a street corner. Something told me that the simple looking house on the corner belonged to Michael Jackson. I started to think, why would Michael Jackson live in a simple looking middle class type of house.

Something like this but the front was facing towards the right.

Something like this but the front was facing towards the right.

My curiosity started roaring and I had to find out. I've already missed too many chances to see him, i will not miss another. As i started walking to the front porch of the house i almost started to hesitate. My mind was rushing full of questions and rationales as there is no way in HELL that Michael Jackson lives in this house but  i pressed on. I got up to the front door, took one deep breath and knocked. I almost started shaking of embarrassment, what am i going to say if someone other than Michael answers the door. What do i say? Hello, i thought this was Michael Jackson's house lol sorry to bother you. As soon as I had knocked I saw someone coming to the door. My heart started to pound, nervousness started to sink in. As the door opened, my jaw dropped. It was Michael Jackson! My disbelief faded very quickly and the smile and love that was emanating from him told me it was the real deal. I said, "Hi Michael i'm *****, its a pleasure to meet you and I had to know if this was really your house". He looked at me, hugged me and started to come outside. There we chatted about life and how there is this flow of life and everything is connected to it and he had been channeling this flow of energy into his dance and music. He started to show me that I could do the same thing if I just went with my "inner" flow, listened to my "inner" voice and not think about it too much. He started to do his dance moves which I just loved and couldn't get enough of.

Some of Michael Jackson's dance moves he showed me.

Some of Michael Jackson's dance moves he showed me.

I told him when i was a kid, i loved him so much that I picked my middle name because of him; Michael (I was not born with a middle name and picked one before coming to America). I started listening to what he was telling me and started dancing in my own way. I was getting a hang of it until all of a sudden, something told me it was time to leave. I stopped and thanked him for teaching me and showing something more of myself. He thanked me for visiting him, then i told him that i was about to wake up, there was no time left. As i said my final goodbye, I did a spin around move putting up a peace sign (like Mario does) and at that very second, i woke up. I half sprung up from my bed, almost in a vampire style fashion and couldn't believe what I had just experienced. Had I just synchronized with the "flow". Thank you Michael Jackson!

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